TOP 5 color lookup


 Unmesh Dinda 0:00Hi there, this is Unmesh from PiXimperfect. And today I'm going to show you how to gethundreds of free duotone, beautiful presets in Photoshop. And guess what? I'm not gonna be the one giving them to you. Why? Because you already have them. Yes, it does come built in. Now, before we begin, I got a little disclaimer. This is not the only way to create a duotoneeffect. There are lots of other ways of doing it. But in fact, there are hundreds of ways ofdoing the same thing in Photoshop. So without any further ado, let's get started. Back in the magical world of Photoshop andyou want to go ahead and download this photo and follow along, you know what to do. Check the links in the description. First of all, to apply a Duotone effect, youmight think 'All right, let's go to Image - Mode - Duotone.' But, that's grayed out. What is the issue? Duotone will only work if you have a grayscaleimage or in other words, a black & white image. But, if we just simply turn this black & whiteby pressing Ctrl + Shift + U or Command + Shift + U, this takes away all the colors,this is de-saturation. And then if we go to Image - Mode - Duotone,it's still grayed out. Why? Because it is still built up of R, G and B.Red, green and blue combine together in equal levels to give you a black & white image. In other words, if we go to the Color Picker,let me show this to you..If we choose any of the gray, white or any other color in theblack and white range, have a look, R, G, B, all of them have same values. But the point is, it still has R, G and B.So, we need to completely change the color mode. And the way to do that is simply by goingto, let's go back to the original state of the image, and then go to Image - Mode andGrayscale. This will completely take away the color informationand change the mode from RGB to Grayscale. So, let's choose that, discard it and done. Now, when you go to Duotone, it will be applicable. Go to Image - Mode and then Duotone. See, it's active now. It was grayed out before. Now, when you choose Duotone, something specialhappens. Let's choose that. Have a look. A Duotone Options dialog box shows up. What can you do with it? Now, of course, you can go ahead and choose all the colors. We can choose, maybe, Quadtone and choosethe fourth color manually here. And you can choose your own colors and youcan make the adjustments. If you click here, you can make the adjustments these curves and see what kind of changes they do. But why go so complex? There are other ways to do it in an easier way like using Gradient Mask. The only reason why we want to use this is because of these amazing presets. If you go here, have a look at the numberof presets you have in here - Warm Gray, magenta, these are really amazing. Let's choose this one. I absolutely love that. And there are some nice Cyan, four color presets,three color presets. This is a gold mine of Duotone effects. Alright, so let's try something like Cyanbl 4. See, that's fantastic too.

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 Now, if you're a Windows user, I have a good news for you. I actually have both, Windows and Mac and Manc doesn't have this advantage. But on a Windows, if you go over the dropdown, if you just click over here, choose any one that you like and after that, youcan use the scroll of your mouse, right, so if you just hover over it, with the scroll of your mouse, you can scroll through different presets. Isn't that amazing? I tried it on Mac, but I couldn't do it. If somebody is a pro Mac user, maybe you canhelp me, but I couldn't do it. But in Windows, it is possible to do. I think for this one, I'm going to go withbl 165, this one. Looks really, really nice. Hit OK. Looks beautiful, doesn't it? But there is a problem with it. Now, let me ask you, I wish this was not avideo, but anyway, let me ask you, what is the problem? Some of you might say, Alright, so once wehave applied the colors, we cannot really change it again. Yes, we can. You can of course go to Image - Mode and thenclick on Duotone again and you can again change the color. So, that is not the problem. But the problem is, the complete color modeis now changed. And that's dangerous. So if I go back to the one that I had chosenbefore, which was bl 165, let's go back to that one and hit OK. And if we go and try to choose any Adjustmentlayer, so if you click on in here, see, all of these - Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, ColorBalance, all of these are not available now, because it's a Duotone Color Mode. And even if you go with something like Curves,see, it has just this Tritone Curve. What if you want to just play with the colorsand play with the RGB curves? It is not available. Why? Because we changed the complete color modefrom RGB to Duotone. So, this is not the apt way to do it. Even if you wanted to play with these colorsand add filters on top of it, we cannot do it. So, what is the right way to do it? Well, the answer is Smart Objects. Let me illustrate. Now, here we are back to the original file. If you want to create a Duotone effect, insteadof changing the complete color mode of the original file, let's do this. Select the Background layer or your Subjectlayer and make a copy of that one. And you know, to make a copy, press Ctrl orCommand + J. Now, just name this Duotone or whatever you want to name it, and then convertthis into a Smart Object. Now, Smart Object acts like a nest and theobjects inside it are protected. And you can open those protected objects inanother document. Does that give you an idea? Let me show you. So, once you have that selected, you can goto Filter and then Convert for Smart Filters. 

Hit OK. This converts this into a Smart Object. You can also right click on the layer, thatdoes the same thing, and then choose Convert to Smart Object. It does exactly the same thing. Now, once we have done that, have a look atthis logo right there, it just means that it is converted into a Smart Object. Actually, I should say symbol. Anyway, once that is converted, double clickon the thumbnail. When we do that, the protected file opensin another document. Now, in this new document, change the Mode. Go to Image and then Mode and change it toDuotone. We cannot change it. First, we need to change it to Grayscale,Discard, Image - Mode - Duotone. Now select what do you want to select. For me, I want to go with this one. Hit OK. Now, when you save this, the previous originaldocument will update. You can press Ctrl or Command + S or go toFile and then Save. Now, let's get back to the original document. Have a look - the Duotone layer. Isn't that fantastic? Now you can do anything you want with it. You can decrease the Opacity, you can justplay with Blend Modes. The possibilities are limitless. By the way, the tutorial is over now. You can stop watching it, we have learnedthe technique. However, if you want to stick around, I'mgoing to teach you a special effect. You want to learn it? Let's do it. So all you got to do, first of all, let'sincrease the Opacity to 100, and then, we want to add and blend this color with theoriginal one, and there's a special technique we're going to use to do it. First of all, let's add this color to thehighlights. And for that, we're going to use a Blend Modecalled Multiply. Now keep in mind, Multiply darkens. So, let's go ahead and change the Blend Modeof this one to Multiply. It's looking very nice on the highlights,but, it's crushing the shadows. So, we don't want it in the shadows. And how do we do that? By double clicking on the right side of thelayer and take it away from the shadows by taking the slider of the underlying layerfrom left to right, just like this. It's very harsh. So hold the Alt key or the Option key. Click on the slider to break it apart andtake it all the way to the left and right. Alright. Now, we have applied it on the highlights. But what about the shadows? Well, we can do that too. Just make a copy of this one by pressing Ctrlor Command + J. We can actually name this Multiply. Now, before we apply to the shadows, we needto clear the Layer Style because we have applied a Blend If slider here not to target the shadows. So we need to remove that first. So, right click on it and you can actuallychoose Clear Layer Style. There you go. It's clear now. Now, to apply it in the shadows, change theBlend Mode from Normal to Screen, because Screen brightens. Now, it's being applied in the shadows, butit's also making the highlights very bright. So this time we want to do the opposite. We don't apply it to the highlights. Again, double click on the right hand sideof the layer, this opens up the Layer Style dialog box and take it away from the highlightsby taking the slider of the underlying layer from right to left, just like this. Hold the Alt or Option, break it apart. All right, this is cool. Hit OK. Now, let's have a look at the before and after. So, this is the before, this is the after. It's kind of too much, but also, at the sametime, we are losing a little contrast. So how do we add some contrast? First of all, let's name this Screen. To add some contrast, we going to use onemore Blend Mode. Make a copy of it and we need to clear theLayer Style again. Right click on it, and choose Clear LayerStyle, and this time, we'll choose the Blend Mode - Soft Light. Wow. Now, that's nice. Now, change the Blend Mode, change the nameactually, to Soft Light and this is just for your reference. Now make a group of all of these three, selectthe first one, hold the Shift key, select the last one of these Adjustments and thenpress Ctrl or Command + G. This is now a group and you can name thisDuotone Effect and you can decrease the Opacity if you want to. This is not exactly Duotone, but we are justinferring or blending the colors from it. We can reduce the Opacity to about 70%. and have a look, here's the before, here isthe after. This is looking pretty nice, but it needssome adjustments with Curves. And that is, again, the advantage of not changingthe mode completely, the advantage of Smart Objects. All right, let's create a Curves Adjustmentlayer by clicking on the Adjustment layer icon and then choose Curves. Right in here, you can do whatever you want. So first of all, I see these highlights arevery bright, so let's darken it a little bit. So, on the right hand side I'm going to makea point and just take it down like that. And we want to add some brightness in theshadows to create a faded effect. So let's take it up just like this. Now, that's creating a pretty nice effect. I'm going to keep it at that. Now let's play with the colors a little bitin the R, G and B channel. First of all, we want yellow in the highlights,but there's no Yellow Channel here. We need to work with blue. Why? Because blue is the opposite of yellow. So, let's go ahead and choose Blue. If we decrease blues in the highlights, yellowswill show up. So let's take it down, just like this. See how the yellows show up right now, We'regoing to take it up in the shadows, just to create that royal effect. I like that. All right, this is nice. Now let's go and play with the other channels. So let's say we want to add some magenta andthe shadows. So I'm gonna go to my Green Channel.


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